Come on over and check out the new sets of catnip toys just listed at The CreativeMind Shop on Etsy.
Annie’s been working diligently to get more toys ready for the fall and winter seasons. Those times when kitties like us have to stay cooped up indoors, and don’t get any fresh greens to nibble on. The catnip in these toys is dee-lish, let me tell you! I usually hunker down next to Annie while she’s knitting, and when it comes time to stuff the toys, one piercing look usually gets me a pinch of catnip on a little dish. Scrumptious!
And even though I’m getting up in years, I still have fun tossing these toys around by the tail. And two tails on every toy. Well, that’s just double the fun. Of course, as soon as I start having my fun, that little stinker Rollie has to butt in and see what’s going on. Such an attention grabber he is. That’s when I just look all cool and aloof and saunter away real casual like. But I know just where I tossed that last toy, and he doesn’t…

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging….
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